Nigardsbreen kills

Nigardsbreen Glacier.jpg

10 years ago, August 2011, I visited the Nigardsbreen glacier. This is an arm of the Jostedalsbreen glacier in Norway. I went there along with my family. When we were about to leave the glacier, I noticed a man, starting to undress himself. He had passed the barricades and had moved all the way to the edge of the glacier. 

His girlfriend had a camera and photographed him as he posed in front of the glacier. 

The tourists probably did not know the danger of this stunt. A few years later, a family of four came too close to the glacier edge when it calved. Both parents died and the two children were left orphaned. Think of the danger if you were to visit this glacier.

Idiocy caught on camera

Idiocy caught on camera

Several severe accidents

Nigardbreen has seen several severe accidents involving tourists ignoring the local safety warnings. In July 1986 two people, a Danish woman and her 8-year-old daughter, died when hit by chunks of ice that fell from the glacier. In 1994 a Polish woman was left in critical condition after being hit by falling ice. In 2014 a German couple died as a result of being crushed by ice; their children standing close by survived physically unharmed.

In August 2018 an Austrian man drowned when a wave caused by a huge block of ice swept him into the glacial river. (source Wikipedia)

Arvid Fimreite

Photographer located at the west coast of Norway



Elianne Nesset