The Sushi Bar

The cleaner did a fantastic job, despite the butt crack.

The cleaner did a fantastic job, despite the butt crack.

When I chose to spend a whole day in front of a sushi bar in Malaga, I didn’t realize how lucky I was.
It has been a while since anyone could do such a photo projects. The pandemic is to blame! My project was to document street life in front of the sushi bar. From the cleaner preparing the premises to the owners closing. Sitting at a cafe across the street, with one goal, to observe, is therapy in itself. At the end of the day, a pigeon landed on my table. It had only one foot. It was a surprising but enjoyable visit.  Despite it being a sushi bar, the picture of the pigeon was called “Dinner is served. I do not eat sushi, but I made a book of the project.

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Arvid Fimreite

Photographer located at the west coast of Norway

I went to Iceland


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